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Cancer Kids of San Joaquin County provides financial assistance to over fifty families each year throughout San Joaquin County who have a child in treatment for cancer. If you would like to send us a testimony about our assistance, please send an email to

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Testimony of Caleb

Cancer Kids was there for us from the first days of Caleb's diagnosis with leukemia. They blessed us with financial support which was incredibly helpful since Josh had to take a lot of unpaid time off work. Cancer Kids helped us pay a portion of Caleb's medical bills and provided gift cards to help offset the cost of gas and necessities. We are thankful beyond words for the support they gave our family during the scary and uncertain time of Caleb's diagnosis.


- AMY (Caleb's Mom)

Testimony of Alyssa

Cancer Kids not only helped financially but emotionally as well. Peggy was always there for me when I needed advise or just someone to talk to. Cancer Kids was a big help during Christmas with gift cards. WE felt that they didn't forget about us. Having them meet with classmates to explain what Alyssa was going through made her feel special. We felt connected to another family that could understand what we were going through.


- CASSIE (Alyssa's Mom)

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